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Does Dehydration Cause Anxiety?

Oct 16, 2024

Does Dehydration Cause Anxiety

Does dehydration cause anxiety? Have you ever felt uneasy and wondered if not drinking enough water was the reason? Many don’t realize that low water levels can impact physical and mental health.
Let’s check out how not drinking enough water links to anxiety. Hydration can help you remain collected and centered.

Mind Garden offers personalized virtual counseling and anxiety relief. It helps you regain control. Contact us today.


What Is Dehydration?

Water deficiency arises when your body needs the water it requires to work properly. Water is fundamental for all that our bodies achieve, assisting our muscles and managing body heat. If we shed too much water or don’t consume enough, it results in dehydration.

Not drinking enough can lead to issues beyond just thirst. You could feel dizzy, tired, or even anxious. So, does dehydration cause anxiety, or are other factors at play?


The Link between Dehydration and Anxiety

Does dehydration cause anxiety? The truth is, it can! If you lack enough fluids, your body finds daily tasks tough. This puts your body into a tense mode, which could stir up feelings of anxiety.

Dehydration and anxiety often cause similar physical reactions, like feeling dizzy, racing heart, and trembling. Hence, it is understandable if individuals confuse dehydration symptoms with anxiety or experience both concurrently.


Why Does Dehydration Cause Anxiety?

Picture what happens when your body doesn’t get enough water. Your brain, which depends a lot on water, struggles. It lacks the juice to create mood-controlling chemicals. The result? You feel anxious. That’s the effect of dehydration.

Additionally, a deficiency of water in our bodies can ramp up the creation of stress hormones such as cortisol. This escalation can amplify anxious feelings we might have. It’s a bit like a spinning wheel: not having enough water brings about stress, sparking more anxiety in us.


Symptoms of Anxiety Caused by Dehydration

Spotting anxiety symptoms from dehydration helps you drink water and feel better. These symptoms are:

  • Shakiness

Does dehydration cause shakiness? Dehydration can cause tremors. Low water levels make muscles and nerves weak. This leads to shaking. Staying hydrated prevents this.

  • Dizziness and Lightheadedness

Dizziness often signals dehydration or anxiety, two distinct yet prevalent causes.

  • Increased Heart Rate:

Lack of hydration can speed up your heart and resemble anxiety. Not drinking enough fluids speeds up your pulse and creates feelings similar to nervousness. So, staying hydrated is key for a steady heartbeat and a calm mind.

  • Shortness of Breath

Is shortness of breath a sign of dehydration? Yes, not having enough water can mess up your breath, making it short. This can scare you and start a bad loop. Keeping water in your body helps you breathe right and stay well. Pay attention to what your body wants and keep sipping drinks to stop trouble.

  • Headaches

Dehydration fuels headaches, potentially intensifying anxiety symptoms. Stay hydrated to ease both.


Can Dehydration Cause Anxiety Attacks?

Dehydration results in more than mere thirst. It may trigger anxiety attacks. These attacks bring physical symptoms like a racing heart, sweaty palms, and trembling limbs. A stressed, dry body is more likely to panic. People who’ve faced dehydration-related anxiety understand its fearsome grip. However, staying hydrated is a simple fix. Drinking enough water helps prevent these attacks and keeps anxiety in check, ensuring mental control.


Dehydration and Other Physical Symptoms

Water deficiency creates anxiety and various physical problems that can worsen it. Some frequent problems include:

  • Breathing Difficulties

We hinted before that a lack of water could make breathing tough. Dehydration makes your body struggle, causing quick breaths. It is linked to labored breathing.

  • Hypertension (High Blood Pressure):

Ever heard that not drinking enough water could lead to high blood pressure? That’s true! When you’re thirsty, your blood turns thick. This makes it hard to circulate. Your heart strains more, making you feel anxious.

All these bodily signs might unknowingly enhance your anxiety, even when you don’t understand that the lack of water is the root cause.


How Much Water Do You Need?

Drink plenty of water to tackle anxiety. Aim for 8 glasses (64 ounces) of water daily. Yet, this rule varies for everyone. Your personal lifestyle, environment, and health can change the water intake requirements.

When you’re anxious, pause and reflect on your hydration status. If it’s low, a couple of glasses of water could be the straightforward fix to improve your mood.


Tips for Staying Hydrated

Staying hydrated isn’t hard. Allow us to share simple suggestions to ensure you get ample water, preventing dehydration and anxiety:

  • Carry a Water Bottle

A constant water source ensures all-day hydration. Keep a bottle handy for effortless sipping.

  • Set Reminders

Busy? Let your phone nudge you to hydrate. Apps and alarms keep water breaks on track, even during hectic days.

  • Eat Water-Rich Foods

Fruits like watermelon and oranges team up with crisp cucumbers. Together, they hydrate and nourish, giving your body a refreshing boost.

  • Drink Water Before Meals

Water before meals aids digestion and boosts daily fluid intake. This simple habit nourishes your body twice over, promoting health with every sip.


When to Seek Help!

Yes, staying hydrated is key, but it won’t solve all anxiety issues. Do you have intense anxiety? You need to talk to a doctor. Anxiety isn’t always about not drinking enough water. It could be because of stress in your life, health problems, or mental health struggles.

Drinking enough water can greatly reduce anxiety. It allows your mind and body to operate at their peak.



So, does dehydration cause anxiety? Yes, it looks like it can. Research shows a close bond between feeling thirsty and feeling anxious. Drinking enough water can help tame feelings of stress and anxiety. Spot signs of anxiety from dehydration to be one step ahead. This helps your body and mind stay healthy.

Keep in mind that staying hydrated helps your body and brain work best. No need to wait until you feel uneasy or dizzy to drink water. Make it a habit to sip water all day to dodge dehydration. It’s straightforward to drink water. It could be the ticket to feeling more relaxed and having better control.




Does dehydration cause anxiety?
Indeed, not hydrating your body can cause anxious emotions. A body without sufficient hydration struggles, setting off feelings of anxiety.

Can dehydration cause shakiness?
Yes, indeed, not having enough water can make you shake. This is because a lack of water affects your muscles and nerves. It causes you to tremble or shake.



